Here are a few samples of the reports provided after every assessment is completed.

Summary Report

Just a summary of the students’ scores and how they plot out on a bar graph.

Question Details Report

A question by question analysis of the test highlighting the percentage of student who picked each possible answer.

TEKS Analysis Report

A TEK by TEK analysis of each student’s strengths and weaknesses. For these report the boxes make a visual reference to each student’s success.
Empty Box = Did not pass that TEK
1/3 Box = Approaches on that TEK
2/3 Box = Meets on that TEK
Full Box = Masters on that TEK

Trouble Spots Report

This highlights the students who scored below the approaches level and the questions in which the class scored below the approaches level on.

Student Growth Targets Report

This report shows how each student would have performed if this had been the actual STAAR exam. It also highlights a very attainable goal for the students to achieve with effective remediation based upon this exam. It informs the student and teacher how many more questions they would have had to get correct to achieve the next threshold of performance.